Day by Day Learning was founded in Beijing,China in 2003 to support the need for a comprehensive bilingual (Chinese and English) character education curriculum that could be used in schools or homes for children ages 3-7yrs. It was piloted, slowly and organically, in The Family Learning House Kindergarten in Beijing, China. Through consultation with parents and educators, engaging lessons were written, used and observed in the classroom. These were reflected upon, refined and re-written until we felt ready to share them with others. There are currently over 200 schools using the curriculum in China and around the world, with 2500+ trained teacher facilitators.
Our Vision
We envision a world where all people are committed to continually develop their innate potential and good character through learning and practicing their virtues, little by little, day by day, for the purpose of creating a more harmonious society and a better world.
Our Services
Day by Day Learning services include: character education training programs for teachers, parents and whole school staff, a three year spiral curriculum and teaching resource materials to support the development of good character in young children.